
Welcome to the home site for Tri-County Literacy. Located in Bath, Maine. We serve the communities of:

Alna, Arrowsic, Bath, Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Bremen, Bristol, Brunswick, Damariscotta, Dresden, Edgecomb, Freeport, Georgetown, Harpswell, Jefferson, Monhegan Plantation, Newcastle, Nobleboro, Phippsburg, Richmond, Somerville, South Bristol, Southport, Topsham, Waldoboro, West Bath, Westport, Whitefield, Wiscasset and Woolwich

It is a large area, but we feel it is important that all members of our communities should have the opportunity to enjoy the gift of reading, a fundamental building block for a democratic and humane society in the 21st century. We encourage you to join us in teaching our neighbors – young, mature or new to our country who want to read. Help give the skill that for most is often taken for granted.

Tri-County Literacy is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving people’s lives through two literacy programs.

Adult Literacy – helps adults improve their reading and writing skills with free, one-on-one, individualized tutoring.

Family Literacy – brings children, parents, and books together in the Read With Me project to experience the joy of reading together.

Interested in volunteering? Find out more Click Here

Want to improve your reading and writing skills ?
(207) 443-6384 or (877) 885-7441

What do we offer ? Click Here