Comments from parents and grandparents:
• “My child would never forgive me if I missed a RWM session. He loves to have me in his classroom and looks forward to enjoying the book and activity when he gets home.”
• “I’m much more comfortable talking with the teacher than I was before, and I think she understands now that I really care about my child.”
• “We make regular trips to the library now. (She) takes out 8 or 10 books at a time!”
• “RWM got me into the school. I probably wouldn’t have come otherwise.”
• “It’s good to have time with other adults. We laugh a lot, and we learn from each other.”
Comments from a teacher, children’s librarian and adult educator – all very important program partners:
• “All of the classroom children benefit from RWM mornings. As teachers, we do what we should be doing every day—we take the time to really enjoy a book together.” (classroom teacher)
• “We are thrilled to be working with RWM and grateful for the opportunity to provide introductory tours of the library to RWM parents. We see them return to the library with their children to get library cards when they realize all that the library has to offer.” (children’s librarian)
• “Through our connection with RWM we are able to reach out directly to potential adult students, encouraging people to return to school to complete their high school credential, college preparation or vocational training. As parents become more involved with their children’s learning, they are motivated to improve their own education and discover the joy of life long learning!